30122012 it is almost new year.

hello peeps !
it is 2:39am now. it is really weird to blog at this time! so sleepy but just feel like wanna update at least a selca pic lol!
editing photos at zoo and so do my xmas parties.
*i am sorry babes ! *

a lot of trips and outing nvr blog about. workshops,events,screening.
and going to busy start from JAN.

so..seems like have to done them all within the last few days in 2012.
just realized 2012 i have only around 60+ posts ...like half of the previous years..:(

having last girls talk night with bunch :)
they expected me to talk many about the things had happen in the previous couples of weeks.
but too bad babe, it unable to make me sad anymore.
so dont worry =)

gotta go into the another level of the life. which have to learn diving in world.
good night peeps..dragging ass to bed. and diving in my dream!
sweet dreams :)

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