but how sad i will never have the chance to really enjoy FRIDAY unless i graduate .

sometimes, i do really felt so so so regret about stay at CHKL for da SUEC.
suffer and suffer alot.

especially when i craving for the dip-dyed hair.

the blue color did really make me breathless !

curious about...will it work on the dark un-bleach hair?
so..gonna figure it out

i am going to get my report card tomorrow !
quite worry about it .
*although i will never get stress from parents about result, but i had promised myself,
a PRESSIE for my self if i achieve the target.

it is a expensive pressie for myself and most of ppl cant even accept THAT is a pressie .yay

ARGHH...gonna rush my work.
my swarovski kittyXchopper still havent done. i hate myself.
today's profit is usd45.
it still demo acc.ishh!
i want make it in real plz .lol lol lol

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